
Ged requirements
Ged requirements

ged requirements

We’ve changed the lives of more than 19 million people in 70 years.

  • People with a high school credential earn $568,000 more in a lifetime than people without a high school credential.
  • The 2014 GED® test is administered year-round at more than 1,500 testing centers worldwide.
  • The 2014 GED® test takes a little more than seven hours to complete.
  • The first GED® test was created in 1942 and is updated every 10-15 years.
  • For most employers, colleges and universities, and branches of the military, passing the GED® assessment proves that you’re ready to meet the challenge. The GED® Tests can help you move on to the next level – college, technical training, or a better job. Getting a GED ® credential shows potential employers, and even colleges and universities, that you have the same level of academic achievement as the typical student who graduates from high school.


    Our centers help with free instruction that prepares you for the test! The GED ® test is a computer-based assessment that measures your educational level in four subject areas: mathematics, language arts, science, and social studies. This program is part of the ASE Program, which helps prepare students for GED ® testing. In Arkansas, anyone who is 16 years or older, not enrolled in or graduated from high school, and who meets the state eligibility requirements, can earn an Arkansas High School Diploma by passing the GED ® assessment. What is the GED® test? Click to learn more about the GED ®Program. Thank you for your patience in this matter. Please let us know if you have questions or concerns. The Arkansas GED office will be mailing diplomas/transcripts to those who have passed the test. The official test scores and Ready® test scores are retroactive to January 1, 2014. GED Testing Service has been notified and confirmed that they would adjust the Arkansas scores to reflect the new cut scores on Thursday, May 5. The rule became effective Thursday, May 5 due to the ten-day required waiting period.

    ged requirements

    From Januuntil Decema total passing score of 2250 and a score of 40 on the GED Test 6 was required.April 28th the Administrative Rule and Regulation Review Subcommittee met and approved the new policy for GED Testing that will allow us to change the cut scores for the GED® Test and Ready™ Test to 145 as passing on each part. When the Maculaitis replaced the GED Test 6 on Novemuntil Decema passing score on each section of the GED and a score of 133 on the Maculaitis was required. From June 1959 until Octothe GED Test 6 was used and a score of 40 was needed on top of the 225. To pass the GED taken in another language an English Proficiency Test was required. From January 2002 until December 2013 the total passing score was 2250. The total passing score needed from that time until Decemwas 225. Testing in New Jersey started in June 1959. If, for example, a candidate earns 2880 points but scores only 400 points on the Writing Skills Test, the diploma was not awarded. A diploma is awarded only to the candidate who met both requirements. For those testing on the Online Exam : A parent or guardian must be present at the pre-test check-in to give consent and authorize the underage tester to be recorded during testing. You must have exceeded the minimum scores on one or more tests to achieve 2250 points or better. In Colorado, you can be 16 and take the GED test if you apply for a GED Age Waiver and are approved by GED Testing Service. Earning the required minimum scores on each of the tests does not total 2250 points.There were two requirements for passing the GED Tests: (1) earn the minimum passing score on each of the tests and (2) earn a total score of 2250.Passing test scores are kept as part of a candidate's permanent GED testing record and all scores are confidential. To qualify for a New Jersey state-issued high-school diploma, the minimum GED test score requirements must be met.

    Ged requirements